What we do

Programs that uplift

Programs built for change will bring change. Cyclical conditions end here.

In partnership with Happy Haitian Productions, we are dedicated to bringing specific programs that to the Central Plateau of Haiti. (See us on Google Maps) Less than 10 percent of schools are funded by the government. Simultaneously, teachers are not properly certified in order to keep wages as low as possible so that schools can fund overhead costs. This leaves everyone in a less than desirable condition. We have English and Computer Literacy programs developing with increasing interest.

Empowered students during our summer program stand in front of school
During our Summer Program, empowered student and teacher hug during recess

New community, new opportunity. Programs like Computer Literacy is for today's world.

Students are not only set back due to lower educational standards but also economic turmoil as families struggle to pay for tuition. As a result, many students do not complete primary school until they are 16, according to the World Bank, which is well past the age for secondary school. Due to the cyclical struggle that plagues the country,  we wish to redefine education. We expect our programs to foster pathways for continued education, entrepreneurial mindsets and remote work that way we can begin rebuilding communities in Haiti. 

Empowered Students will have Brighter Futures

Under the right circumstances, students can create positive outcomes beyond their education and ultimately create impact for their community. 

Empowered Students will Overcome Economic Stagnation

Happy Haitian Education is building progressive, sustainable programs that will uplift with long lasting affects. Moreover, we are taking the necessary steps to ensure our programs are sustainable and cater to remote opportunities.


Numbers that speak

Over 100 students enroll in our programs each season, over 500 children attend our Summer program, and over 700 meals are provided each year to students, staff and faculty. Of course, we hope to reach hundreds more in the coming years.

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Children Helped
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Food Provided
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Give today and see the impact tomorrow.

Support Our Mission

Our mission is to elevate communities with education, consequently, we are building programs that transform.

Buy a Semester

Be empowered with us and "purchase" a semester of school. For example, a student can attend one term for $96 or 26 cents a day.

Our Partners

Soapbox is an organization that gives back in the form of a donation in soap and education in hygiene. Over the past year, a few of our students created over 50 gallons of soap for distribution with SoapBox. We are proud to partner with such a cause!

Unlocking Communities is an organization that equips entrepreneurs with resources to transform their community. In addition to supporting our efforts, Unlocking Communities has gifted our school with soap for 6 months! We look forward to what is to come!

Watts of Love brings light in more ways that one. Our school is able to use solar energy, however, many  families struggle to afford electricity. “Families living below the ultra-poverty line spend up to 30 percent of their household income on kerosene. Comparatively, that is equivalent to the amount an average American would spend on their mortgage.”

Nourish Every Child sponsors many of the younger students that join for our Summer Program. They understand the importance of generous acts regardless of size. With their help we are able to give children a chance during long, arduous Summer months when their families do not have the means to support their growth.

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